Website | sugardaddie.com |
Dominant Members Age | 25 - 34 |
Mobile Friendly | Yes |
Languages | English |
Looking for SugarDaddie reviews that would contain only the most useful information on this sugar dating site? You’ve already found it—you’ll find the relevant information on its members, features, and prices here!
Membership structure
SugarDaddie.com now has over 5 million members worldwide, and about 300,000 of them are from the United States. Like most other sugar dating platforms, it has more sugar babies than sugar daddies—the ratio is about 70%:30%, respectively.
Communication features
Messaging is the main and only communication tool that SugarDaddie members can use. However, unlike most other sugar dating websites, the platform lets registered users write forum posts and comment on them. Both these features, however, are Premium ones.
Prices & Free options
Most members prefer to upgrade to Premium to be able to interact with others (there is a 7-day trial, so you don’t have to spend a relatively large amount of money on a Premium membership plan right after you sign up for the site). However, there are also plenty of free features that are available both to Premium and Standard members, such as using SugarDaddie app. All registered users can:
- Create a profile
- Upload up to 12 photos
- Add Favorites
- Read messages sent by other members
- View profiles and profile photos
Of course, we couldn’t fail to list the prices in our SugarDaddie dating site review. A 1-month Premium membership plan costs $22.49.
And again, we recommend using the trial before you decide to upgrade the profile.