Sugar dating is becoming mainstream—it’s no longer stigmatized and is even encouraged in particular social circles. More and more ladies ask themselves why they need to sleep 4 hours a day to study well and pay the bills. Why not become a sugar baby? In this guide, we’ll tell you how to meet a sugar daddy, how to talk to a potential sugar daddy, and more importantly, how to keep a sugar daddy interested.
Where to find a sugar daddy?
Can you meet a sugar daddy at a restaurant or at a party, or maybe through friends? Yes, it’s possible, but the thing is the chance is small—you must be very, very lucky and more importantly, you need to have many rich friends and be in their circle all the time. It’s not that easy, especially if you are a college girl.
On top of that, even researchers confirm that sugar relationships almost exclusively originated through online means of communication, and using the online sugar dating website is still the best way to find sugar matches for sugar babies, as well as for sugar babies.
So yes, the answer to the question How to find a rich sugar daddy? is ‘Find a good website!’ But there is another important thing you should consider—most sugar dating sites have many more sugar babies than sugar babies. So, sugar daddy search becomes more complicated, and ladies face fierce competition. Another important question is how to catch a sugar daddy, and we provide some tips below.
How to get a sugar daddy?
First and foremost, you need to understand what exactly you want from this relationship. Experienced sugar babies note that you shouldn’t dive into the sugaring lifestyle without a clear understanding of what you expect from it. Ask yourself if you want a monthly allowance, pay per meet, gifts, or have your rent/college bills paid? After that, take the following steps:
- Find the sugar dating site that seems to work the best
- Create an account
- Clearly indicate what you expect from a sugar daddy, and more importantly, what you can give him
- Choose your best photos (as many as you have) and upload them
- Create a catchy profile headline
- Describe your lifestyle and interests in detail
Now you know how to find a sugar daddy fast. But that’s only half the battle.
How to talk to a potential sugar daddy?
Another important question is how to attract a sugar daddy without even meeting him. Here are some helpful tips:
- Be nice and polite.
- Demonstrate interest in his personality.
- Discuss all the conditions, from the frequency of dates to the type of payment.
- Ask him the right questions. Find out what he wants from your relationship, his previous experience, dos and don’ts.
- Don’t focus on sex too much. Just try to find out what he thinks about intimacy in a polite manner.
Many sugar babies wonder how to get a sugar daddy without meeting him. Now you know how to message a sugar daddy dating sites. That’s how you can get his attention.
How to keep a sugar daddy interested?
Let’s say you’ve found a good match. But how to treat a sugar daddy? How to keep him interested online and offline? There are some tips that work:
- Try to find common interests—you should have many interesting topics to discuss.
- Don’t message him all the time—that’s how he can get tired. Be a bit mysterious.
- Don’t make him wait for too long. There is a fine line between being a girl who is online 24/7 and ready to do everything to get her sugar daddy’s attention and a girl who just doesn’t answer your messages. Find it, and keep the balance.
- Don’t show him everything that he wants to see, if you know what we mean.
It’s not that hard, actually. That’s how you can keep him interested and start a real sugar relationship.
How to treat a sugar daddy?
How do you get a sugar daddy? Basically, you need to do everything to make your dating experience really pleasant and special for him—that’s the only way to keep him interested. It’s like a regular romantic relationship—the only difference must be in allowance or pay per meet—you get money for it, but basically, a sugar daddy expects the same things as the boyfriend. He’s looking for some fun, understanding, hugs, attention, support, smiles and laughs, and intimacy.
How safe are Instagram sugar daddies?
Where to find a sugar daddy? Maybe Instagram is the right place? In fact, you can meet a sugar daddy on Instagram, but you should be twice as careful as when looking for a sugar daddy on the niche site. You can meet a Splenda daddy or a Salt daddy there. Don’t send any pictures, ask for pay per meet, at least for the first date, meet in a public place, and if you understand that he’s not going to pay, just leave.
Final thoughts
How to find a sugar daddy? Just choose the right site, be honest, make your profile look attractive, and treat him right. Basically, these are the most important rules to follow.